
Archive of : Games

Team Fortress 2 Idling Tips

Members of the geek escape, hell, gamers in general tend to be a bit on the obsessive side, making us easy prey for games with achievements and/or collectibles. Tge is currently fixated with hat collecting in TF2, having run, administered, and idled on our server since last August. Following...

Brink = Mirror’s Fortress Zone?

I wasn’t impressed with the art style of Brink originally, but it’s growing on me. To let you judge for yourself, I’ve gathered five videos showing many aspects of the game. It’s being called a mix of Mirror’s Edge and Team Fortress 2 with a touch of Killzone added...

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Throughout my ten plus years as a server moderator and multiplayer gamer, I’ve had the (dis)pleasure of meeting many other players. Likewise, I’ve seen a multitude of names, some being good, some not so hot. Being new to the internet culture, I started off with the typical initials and...

Far Cry 2

I loved Far Cry, but Ubisoft’s second incarnation of the “series” had nothing to do with it. The original was developed by Crytek, who, since they didn’t own the rights, went on to make Crysis. The story itself played out in the tropics with a heavy sci-fi influence. Far...

Backlog: Mirror’s Edge

I had been dying for a game that made parkour more than just pushing a button to scale anything – Mirror’s Edge ended up being that game for me. Being the eternal eye-candy gamer, from the first trailer I saw I was in love of the visuals. The whole...

Engineering Failure

This is an Engineer on our Team Fortress 2 achievement map lacking a bit of foresight in his building plans. Click here for a 1680×1050 inspirational (or lack thereof) wallpaper.

Hold Down E in Borderlands

…And you can pick up a bunch of loot at once, though this will probably only apply if you run a multiple Bloodwing build. At level 50, multiple stacks of $700 to one grand are not uncommon. From each enemy. Plus health. And ammo. Add in a maxed Ransack...

Or are you just happy to see me?

Valve released the Soldier/Demo update about a week ago, adding 35 achievements to both classes, four new Soldier weapons, three new Demo weapons, crafting, two maps, Scout weapon tweaks, and about a bajillion bugs. There were a few server breaking ones but some were just… how...