
Archive of : November, 2011

Farming as Fun

Can farming in games be fun or enjoyable? And when I say farming I’m not talking about games like Harvest Moon. I’m talking about farming as in playing a game with the sole intention to gain something by repeatedly performing some action. What is gained is most often loot...

In Minecraft SMP 1.8+, wolf spawn rate is extremely low.

That’s survival multiplayer servers. We have been playing Minecraft almost daily since Beta 1.8 was released: through 1.8.1, pre-release 1, pr2, pr3, pr4, and pr5. Never in all that time (almost two months) have we seen wolves except when first creating the world – and even that was rare....

Course 5 – Chamber 5 Failure

We recorded this as padding for another video but… well, the title speaks for itself.

Money, Money, Money

Ezio is a very generous assassin-noble. Until the commoners figure out that IT’S A TRAP. I really have to start on AssBro; Revelations is soon to be out. (Though who knows when for the PC.)