
Archive of : 2011

Sheep Mitosis: A B-a-a-d Bug

Occasionally, we wipe our Minecraft SMP server and start a fresh one. This last time, we were having a hard time finding a world we liked so I had an idea. Someone had figured out how to use a seed on a multiplayer server without using a...

In Conclusion: Fable 3

We were quite looking forward to Fable 3, a light RPG/adventure game developed by Lionhead, and were greatly disappointed when the PC version was delayed. Not having played Fable 2 until it had been out for two years but enjoying it extremely, we waited patiently for any information on...

Fable 3 Finishing Moves (PC version)

One of the really cool things about the combat in Fable 3 is the occasional coup de grâce of an enemy. These extravagant flourishes* are triggered randomly, with particular animations based off of your weapon (easiest), the enemy type, the attack timing, and your distance from the...

Farewell to Seawell, Part 4 – The Four Seasons

Good-bye, Seawell, we’re sad to see you go. Except the flower watering. And the animal trails. And that freaky Easter Bunny that still gives me nightmares.

Interior Design in Fable 3

Warning, minor spoiler ahead. There is a point in Fable 3 where a decision must be made regarding the (all important!) decor of Bowerstone Castle. Like all the choices in the game, it boils down to if you want to go “good” or “evil.” The NPCs offering the option...

Visualization of Death

The very mesmerizing video above is actually a 3D visualization of deaths from impacts in Just Cause 2; they can be from hitting the ground or getting hit by an object. Each white dot represents one of over 11 million of these deaths. The video was created...

Farewell to Seawell, Part 3 – House Interiors

This video focuses on interior design: it’s rather fabulous. Fabulous though in an incomplete way… the game expects more than one year’s play to collect all of the furniture sets.

Farewell to Seawell, Part 2 – The Museum Collections

The second in our “farewell” series, this is all about the consequences of obsessive-compulsive collecting. Which also just happens to be the museum’s insect, fish, fossil, and art collections. I do have a gripe about the paintings: with the real to fake ratio over the year we...