by Wolf, in Games: Screenshot, Team Fortress 2, Warhammer Online (3 Comments)
Sigh. Why couldn’t WAR have been more like this…
team fortress 2 online by iFrau [deviantArt]
OMG, I thought I hated archmages before seeing the scout cosplay as one! *hate-ray*
The spy looks like Lee Scoresby.
Well WAR may not be more like that, but at least TF2 is moving in that direction.
06 Sep 2009
OMG, I thought I hated archmages before seeing the scout cosplay as one! *hate-ray*
11 Sep 2009
The spy looks like Lee Scoresby.
02 Oct 2009
Well WAR may not be more like that, but at least TF2 is moving in that direction.