TF2 Heavy Sandwich Taunts
[youtube id=”wc_BT1ZaPks” align=”center”]This minute long clip plays all seventeen of the Heavy’s “nom”ing taunts. Here is a transcription from TF2 Wiki:
- “Ahh, so filling! Hahaha!”
- “Moist and delicious! Hehaha!”
- “Sandvich make me strong!”
- “I am full of sandvich, and I am coming for you!”
- “Sandvich and I are coming for you!”
- “Don’t run! It’s just ham.”
- “Bologna is perfect fuel for killing tiny cowards!”
- [singing] “Saww-ndvich, sandwich!”
- [singing] “Me and my… sandwich.”
- “What is that sandvich? “Kill them all”? Good idea! Hahaha!”
- “Look at you tiny-itty-bitty men running from sandvich!”
- “You are a loose cannon sandvich, but you are a damn good cop!”
- [singing] “Sandvich and me going to beat your ass!”
- “Kill them all! Hahaha!”
- “Run from the sandwich!”
- “Bologna! Hahahaha!”
- “That vas delicious!”
15 Oct 2008
I need to get me some bologna and ham sandwiches.