
Archive by Author

Guild Wars 2: Post Script

I hit the wall. I saw it coming but it couldn’t be avoided: I’m done with Guild Wars 2. We took a month off earlier this year when we started to get a little burnt out and came back feeling a little renewed, but it didn’t last that long....

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Tips

Wolf and I have been anxiously waiting for the release of Animal Crossing: New Leaf since the release of the 3DS. It was expected shortly after but ended up taking over two years. Well, the time of not-playing is over because on June 9th the game was released. We...

Villager News (Minecraft Animation)

Wolf found this video from Element Animation the other day. I had seen some of their animations before but this is the best I’ve seen so far. Be sure to check out some of their other Minecraft animations.

High Gliding

Far Cry 3 was different than Far Cry 2 in so many ways. Most of all, it had a great story and didn’t insult you as a player. Besides wanton destruction, one of my favorite pastimes in the game was wingsuit gliding. It’s the first game that...

Dancing Boxer Bunny Norn

The first time we saw him it was absolutely memorizing. A huge norn naked except for fuzzy boots, boxing gloves and bunny ears. All was dyed in pink. It was like a train wreck, I couldn’t stop watching. Even after I recorded it, I caught myself watching...

Cheating for Fun (and Sanity)

Cheating in gaming has acquired an often undeserved negative reputation. With early console games, cheating codes were a part of almost every game. I’ve never meet anyone who beat Contra without entering the Konami code. Today, with so much gaming being multiplayer in nature, cheating in gaming...

Guild Wars 2 Gathering Tools by Zone

How often when starting a new zone do you ask yourself, “Ok, what gathering tools do I need?” I looked around and really couldn’t find a good guide; even the official wiki is incomplete on what resource nodes are in what zones. We decided to create one for the...

Guild Wars 2 Terminology: Secondary Attributes

In Guild Wars 2, secondary attributes work a little differently than primary attributes. First off, while available to all professions, they do not increase as you level up. You are also less likely to see them modified by armor, weapons, or consumables: they are increased mainly by adding points...